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Ayurvedic herbs which could help you shed those kilos away!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Anand Dwivedi · आयुर्वेदा · Kapiva Academy of Ayurveda

Written by Hello Swasthya Medical Panel · Updated 07/12/2021

Ayurvedic herbs which could help you shed those kilos away!

It’s not unknown that the post-pandemic world has brought with it tonnes of health-related problems–almost all of them stemming from a poor lifestyle. For many, an increase in the number on the weighing scale has been one of them. While people often get worried and adopt many measures to combat it, the battle with weight loss and maintaining it is rather difficult. This is where an Ayurveda-led diet can come in handy–one that’s sustainable and effective. Ayurveda has such a priceless treasure trove of herbs and foods that can help you lose weight as well as keep you fit, overall. The best thing about it being that it’s free from any side-effects unlike some of the other extreme measures.

We got in touch with an Ayurvedic specialist, Dr Anand Dwivedi from Kapiva Academy of Ayurveda on foods that could aid in weight loss.

When asked, “What kinds of herbal & ayurvedic remedies are the most effective to reduce weight?” Dr Dwivedi said, “According to Ayurveda, foods recommended for weight loss are the ones that have two types of properties-the first is these should be heavy to digest (Guru guna and) non-nutritious (Atarpana). Both these properties quench hunger, reduce vata imbalance and prevent weight gain. Some of these foods could be barley, honey and chia seeds. In particular, weight loss herbs according to Ayurveda like Bitter gourd, Garcinia, Aloe vera, Vidanga, Triphala, Black pepper, Pippali, Ginger, Guggulu, Shilajit, Giloy, Cinnamon etc. can be taken. These herbs will stimulate the metabolism of fats and help in reducing weight.

He added, “Along with this, consume a warm cup of water with honey first thing in the morning. Buttermilk, fermented with spices, acts as a catalyst to bring in the transformation of fat tissue. In addition to this, consuming more barley helps to take care of digestion power, while at the same time it does not contribute to calories. When it comes to spices, having Katu and Tiktha rasas (Pungent and astringent in taste) are recommended. Regular exercise, eating only after the previous meal is completely digested and regular consumption of barley and wheat in the diet are sure ways to reduce obesity.”

This must now resonate with some of the hacks recommended by our grandmothers in the earlier days, right? On that note, let’s now know more about the foods that could help you lose weight.

Green leafy vegetables (Fenugreek, Spinach, Kale)

Ayurvedic Herb for weight loss - Vegetables - Spinach

Vegetables are rich in nutrition and at the same time they also contain fibre due to which your metabolism works well. Leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and lettuce are very helpful in burning fat. These vegetables are low in calories and carbs because of which there is a feeling of being full. According to a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI), people consume fewer calories overall by adding low energy density meals to their diet.

Along with this, vitamins, antioxidants and some minerals are found in sufficient amounts in green leafy vegetables. It can prove to be helpful not only in reducing weight but also in improving overall health. The best part is that you can easily include these vegetables in your daily diet. If you want, you can eat them as a vegetable with chapati or rice or you can enjoy them by making it in the form of a soup or vegetable juice.

Plants & Herbs (Aloe Vera and Garcinia)

Ayurvedic Herb for weight loss - Aloe Vera and Garcinia

Now when it comes to herbs, we’re talking about easily available options like the one that is almost present in every home today–Aloe Vera. According to Ayurveda, if you want to lose weight, then this can be one of the best options for you. Aloe Vera has the ability to burn fat because of the presence of Vitamin B present in it which converts the stored fat in the body into energy, thus helping in weight loss. Aloe vera also boosts your metabolism so that you can burn more calories throughout the day. If the natural net question that pops up in your head is about ‘how-to-use this herb, the answer is pretty simple. Aloe vera juice is a popular, no-fuss way of consuming the plant.

Dr Anand Dwivedi from the Kapiva Academy of Ayurveda explains that, “Aloe vera improves metabolism (especially the liver) and also quenches hunger. Its consumption does not contribute to weight gain. Hence it helps in weight management. It is advised to drink 10 ml-15 ml aloe vera juice mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of honey in half a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Aloe Garcinia Juice from Kapiva can be a good option to bring to use if you need a hassle-free product that’s safe to use. It consists of not only Aloe Vera but even Garcinia. Garcinia is a plant that is full of medicinal properties. The extract of these two herbs & plants suppress appetite, helps in fat loss, inhibits the production of new fat in the body and supports weight management. The juice also contains Hydroxyl Acid which is known to kill appetite. Mix 30ml of Kapiva Aloe Garcinia Juice in 30ml water, one can add honey, sugar or salt as per taste and drink this wonder concoction every morning on an empty stomach to see best results.”

Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts)

Ayurvedic Herb for weight loss - Nuts - Almond

Ayurveda also recommends the use of nuts as an easy option to lose weight. Almonds are a good source of protein, antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats which help to cut down on overeating. At the same time, the fibre present in it gives a feeling of fullness. The amino acids present in it further helps in burning fat. Similarly, walnuts also promote fat loss. They contain unsaturated fats which promote healthy body weight. Walnuts also help in reducing appetite while the omega-3 fatty acids, plant sterols and vitamins present in them could help in reducing weight.

One can have these as is to use them in smoothies and shakes. These will make your smoothies tasty as well as crunchy and promote weight loss.

Seasonal Fruits (Apples, Oranges)

Ayurvedic Herb for weight loss - Seasonal Fruits Apples, Oranges

If you want to lose weight and are also fond of eating fruits then this is good news for you as fruits can help reduce weight in a big way. Apples are low in calories and high in fibre, therefore bringing in a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Another such fruit is orange, which is packed with the goodness of Vitamin C. It is a low-calorie and high fibre fruit that aids in controlling appetite. Although they are most beneficial when eaten as whole fruits, if you want, you can also use them in a juice or in the form of a shake.

While this was all about foods that are good to lose weight, let’s also identify and learn more about foods that could be detrimental to your weightloss journey. Dr Dwidei added, “ If you are continuously taking high amounts of food, it leads to an increase of Agni – digestive fire because the body needs a way to digest increased food quantity, but because there is a blockage in Medo Dhatu, more and more fat tissue is produced, leading to weight gain. Other reasons include sleeping during the day, excess intake of heavy-to-digest oily or sweet food items and even heredity.

He suggests, “The right timing of the first meal of the day, i.e breakfast along with lunch and dinner is essential. Taking small meals without eating a lot at once, maintaining distance from junk food and working out daily (yoga, walk, run) is of primary importance.”

Adopting these dietary changes can take your weight loss plans to the next level, so make sure you don’t fall in the traps of fad diets when Ayurveda can effectively help you deal with weight loss and successfully achieve your goals.



Medically reviewed by

Dr. Anand Dwivedi

आयुर्वेदा · Kapiva Academy of Ayurveda

Written by Hello Swasthya Medical Panel · Updated 07/12/2021

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