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Polyphagia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Polyphagia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Polyphagia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Polyphagia?

Polyphagia or hyperphagia is the medical term for increased appetite or excessive hunger. Also, this can be one of the 3 major signs of diabetes. 

An increase in hunger is normal as an outcome from an intensive workout or any strenuous activity. But, polyphagia can be an outcome due to health issues like depression or chronic stress too. Also, there are numerous factors that lead to excessive hunger.

Symptoms of Polyphagia

The major sign of hyperphagia is increased and excessive hunger that does not go away even after eating excess food. 

In this case, you should visit the doctor’s clinic and get a proper medical checkup. 

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Causes of Polyphagia

Below is the list of causes of increased appetite:


It is a condition where thyroid glands produce thyroid hormones excessively. Due to overproduction of thyroid hormones, your metabolism may not function properly, leading to increased hunger and body weight.

Lack of sleep

Insomnia or lack of sleep may disturb your normal hormonal levels that are responsible for hunger. This makes you very hungry and you eat food that is loaded with calories and fat. Not only lack of sleep increases your hunger, but also causes numerous health issues.

Unhealthy diet

A diet that is rich in unhealthy fat and carbs may not be a good choice. Such a diet might make you feel hungry soon after your meal. It is because of the lack of essential nutrients like fibre and protein, it does not satisfy your hunger.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle are normal and there are times when most women feel to eat more. A rise in progesterone, oestrogen, and decrease in serotonin can lead to excessive hunger and cravings.


Due to stress, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol excessively. Cortisol hormone can contribute to excessive hunger and cravings for food. Most people with stress or anxiety use food to ease their thoughts.


Hyperphagia is one of the three major signs of diabetes. You suffer from diabetes when you are unable to produce enough insulin in the body, commonly known as type-1 diabetes or your body is not able to use insulin properly, known as type-2 diabetes. When the glucose stays in your blood for a longer duration and flushes out in urine instead of going into cells, it signals your brain that the body needs glucose to function. Thus, this makes you feel hungry and crave for food loaded with sugar and fat.

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Mostly seen in diabetic patients, hypoglycemia or low blood sugar can lead to excessive hunger.

Risk Factors of Polyphagia

  • Pregnancy
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Diabetes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Reactions to certain medications
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Eating disorders like bulimia
  • Stress

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Diagnosis of Polyphagia

As a diagnosis, your doctor will look at the following in detail:

  • Family medical history
  • Other symptoms
  • Your diet 
  • How long you have been suffering from polyphagia

Looking at these factors, your doctor will decide the cause of this condition. If the doctor is unable to rule out this condition, he/she might order a blood glucose test or thyroid function test to determine if you have diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

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Treatment for Polyphagia

Your doctor will suggest treatments that treat the underlying cause of increased hunger. Several causes like premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, and hyperthyroidism can be treated with proper medicines. 

Replacing an unhealthy diet with a healthy diet may also help to provide essential nutrients that keep you satiated for a longer duration. 

A regular workout can help ease mental issues like depression and stress, resulting in lesser stress eating. Also, people with stress and depression can use anti-anxiety, antidepressant pills to manage the problem or get cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling.

Ensure you take your doctor’s advice before using these suggestions.

Lifestyle Changes for Polyphagia

To treat polyphagia, you must also change certain habits that contribute to excessive eating.

You can follow these tips:

Follow a healthy diet

Doctors recommend five to nine fruit and vegetable servings per day to adults. A plate with all nutritious vegetables and fruits can provide healthy calories and prevent overeating. Ask your doctor for a proper diet plan or items that can help your health in numerous ways. Have more fibre and less refined sugar. Eating healthy can help to manage underlying conditions that cause polyphagia.

Stress management

Stress has numerous negative effects on the body and brain. According to a 2012 study, doctors suggest that stress may trigger brain response, leading to change in eating patterns and rising cravings for high-calorie foods. And to avoid so, it is essential that you manage your stress levels and keep a positive mood.

Regular workout

People should work out regularly to manage stress, maintain healthy body weight, prevent diabetes and obesity. It is essential that you work out or perform yoga daily to maintain body weight, improve body flexibility, and stay relaxed.

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Home Remedies for Polyphagia

Drink water

Water is known to be one of the best appetite suppressants. According to a 2015 study, drinking a large glass of water right before your meal can make you feel less hungry and more satisfied. Not only water but drinking any fluid before your meal makes you eat less and satiates your tummy quickly.


Honey is a rich source of essential nutrients and antioxidants. It may suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin, making you feel satiated for a longer duration. You should use honey instead of sugar in multiple food items or drinks. According to a 2010 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, doctors found that honey can control appetite healthily. 

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is also known to be one of the effective appetite suppressants compared to milk chocolate. According to a study, doctors found that people ate less during their next meal after eating dark chocolate.

Healthy fat and protein

Doctors believe proteins and certain fats are more effective in satisfying the hunger and keeping you full compared to carbohydrates. So, doctors recommend the following foods that are high in proteins:

  • Greek yoghurt
  • Beans and peas
  • Lean meats
  • Soy products
  • Eggs


According to a study, doctors believe a small amount of ginger can increase the feeling of fullness and reduce appetite. It might be due to its stimulating effects on the digestive system. However, it was a small-scale study, it requires more research to confirm this effect.



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Written by Nikita

Expertly reviewed by Dr. Ruby Ezekiel

Updated by: Nikhil deore


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Written by Nikita · Updated 02/09/2021

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