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10 Ways to Avoid Diabetes Complications

Medically reviewed by डॉ. स्नेहल सिंह · होम्योपैथी · Wellness Online Clinic Healing Arts

Written by Nikita · Updated 26/11/2021

10 Ways to Avoid Diabetes Complications

Diabetes is a serious condition caused due to the body’s inability to produce enough insulin to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Therefore, excess sugar in the blood disturbs the function of nerves and blood vessels, causing a number of other health conditions. These health conditions or complications of diabetes can be fatal at times. However, it’s possible to avoid diabetes complications by taking due care and precautions. In addition to proper medication and treatment, one needs to follow just some simple pieces of advice.

Here, we list 10 ways to avoid complications of diabetes:

1. Quit smoking to prevent diabetes complications

Smoking disturbs the blood flow and increases blood pressure, thus increasing the risk of diabetes complications. In diabetics, smoking is known to increase the risk of various health conditions including heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, kidney disease, lung cancer, and premature death. So, quit smoking now to avoid these complications. Feel free to talk to your doctor and learn the techniques to quit smoking.

2. Take care of your feet

High blood sugar reduces the blood flow and harms the nerves in your feet. In case of any cuts or blisters, make sure you treat them immediately. If left untreated, it can cause serious harm. In severe cases, one may also lose sensation in the feet. It is essential to take care of your feet following a few simple tips including washing your feet more often with warm water. Make sure the area between the toes is kept clean. Once cleaned, pat your feet dry and moisturise them. In case of any swelling, redness, or blisters, talk to your doctor. Regularly check your feet for any cuts or sores or ulcers be watchful of fungal infections. Additionally, use a good quality moisturiser and apply it regularly. Another thing one can do to maintain hygiene is to trim their toenails regularly. Wearing good quality footwear is an added benefit and one should invest in good quality shoes for the purpose of ease of walking. Taking care of your feet will help to avoid diabetes complications.

Read More : Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes that’ll Help you Lifelong

3. Monitor your diabetes regularly to prevent diabetes complications

Monitor your blood sugar levels at regular intervals. Follow a routine that includes eating healthy food, taking enough sleep, drinking enough water, and exercising regularly. Make sure you maintain a healthy weight. There are various devices that are easily available that help to check your blood sugar levels. Make sure you check your blood sugar levels regularly. It is better to document them to be able to further share the readings with your healthcare professional during the subsequent visits. Talk to your doctor if you see constant fluctuation in the blood sugar levels. In some cases, your doctor may even ask you to undergo further more blood tests.

4. Take care of your eyes

Diabetes can have an impact on eye health. It can cause a number of eye problems including cataract, retinopathy, glaucoma, etc. It is important to protect your eyes from an early stage. Eat good food for eye health. Schedule periodic eye check-ups and talk to your doctor if you experience any issues related to eyes including blurred vision.

Read More : Pear for Diabetes: How is the Fruit Beneficial for Patients?

5. Exercise regularly to prevent diabetes complications

Exercise is a must for diabetes patients. It helps to control weight, balances insulin resistance, makes your muscles and bones strong, improves HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) lowers blood pressure, and improves overall health. One can even try aerobic exercises as they help to lower insulin resistance. Studies suggest that doing aerobic exercises for at least 30 minutes in a week shows better results. It is advised for those with diabetes to exercise at least two-three hours a week. Exercises you can include in your workout routine are walking, brisk walking, jogging, spot jogging, swimming, and stretching.

6. Sleep well to avoid diabetes complications

Sleep is an important factor in controlling diabetes. There is a direct relationship between diabetes and sleep. Getting a sound sleep helps to regulate blood sugar levels. It further leads to less stress and more energy. Being sleep-deprived can lead to many unhealthy lifestyle choices including eating junk or binge eating which can cause other health conditions including obesity, heart problems, hormonal imbalances etc. It is important to sleep well and stay healthy to avoid diabetes complications.

7. Avoid consumption of alcohol

If you are an alcohol addict, it would be difficult initially for you to completely stop alcohol consumption. In that case, one can reduce alcohol intake gradually and if you’re seeking help to discontinue alcohol consumption, speaking to a healthcare professional could be of help. Even if you drink, make sure it is in moderation. If you use insulin, alcohol can cause low blood sugar levels, so make sure you monitor that regularly or keep a distance from it, altogether.

Read More : Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes that’ll Help you Lifelong

8. Manage stress to prevent diabetes complications

If you are under constant stress, chances are that you might not be paying much attention to your health. Stress increases blood sugar levels. Managing stress must be the top priority when you wish to avoid diabetes complications. To manage your stress, follow a routine that includes meditation and yoga. In addition to this, consume a well-balanced and healthy diet, monitor cholesterol, reduce saturated fat intake, and take your prescribed medications on time.

9. Talk to your doctor

Schedule a periodic follow-up visits with your doctor at regular intervals. Your doctor may examine your health to make sure you don’t have any diabetes complications. Your doctor may check your feet, eyes, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, etc. He/she may even prescribe you to undergo a few medical tests like blood tests, urine tests, etc. Make sure you don’t miss the follow-up visits as it may help you to diagnose and prevent diabetes complications that do not have any early signs and symptoms. In addition, also make sure you take vaccinations on schedule to prevent diabetes complications. Vaccinations include flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, and tetanus vaccine.

10. Maintain skin and oral health to avoid diabetes complications

Diabetes is more likely to affect your skin causing skin rashes or/and red itchy patches. It is very important to take proper care of your skin. Use a good quality skincare product to moisturise. After every shower, apply moisturiser on your skin. Consume food that helps to maintain skin health. It is equally important to take care of your oral health. Brush your teeth twice a day with a good toothpaste. Don’t forget to rinse your mouth after every meal. One of the most important things is also to be hydrated at all times. Do not forget to schedule an appointment with your dentist at regular intervals and if you experience any teeth or gum related issues, talk to your dentist immediately.

Diabetes can lead to a number of health conditions including heart disease, kidney diseases, obesity, hypertension, etc. High blood sugar levels in men may also cause erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it’s best to follow these tips to avoid diabetes complications of any type.

Disclaimer: Hello Health does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any kind. For more health-related information, you can visit our website and if you have any more specific questions related to your condition, it’s best to check with a professional.



Medically reviewed by

डॉ. स्नेहल सिंह

होम्योपैथी · Wellness Online Clinic Healing Arts

Written by Nikita · Updated 26/11/2021

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