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Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes that’ll Help you Lifelong

Medically reviewed by डॉ. स्नेहल सिंह · होम्योपैथी · Wellness Online Clinic Healing Arts

Written by Nikita · Updated 26/11/2021

    Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes that’ll Help you Lifelong

    Pancreas in the human body functions to produce insulin, a hormone, which is responsible for maintaining the balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Diabetes is a situation that occurs when the pancreas cannot produce insulin, resulting in a higher level of blood glucose or too much sugar in the blood. However, the condition is mostly manageable if diagnosed in time. Along with medication and treatment, doctors also recommend lifestyle changes for diabetes patients which are easy to manage. However, these lifestyle changes for diabetes patients, must be followed religiously.

    How can a healthy lifestyle for diabetes be good for you?

    Diabetes is often considered a difficult problem by many. This is mostly due to the ways to manage diabetes that come along with the treatment. It is not just some disease that can be managed or cured with a regular dosage and a few injections. Instead, it is a condition that needs a lifelong change in lifestyle and habits, something which takes time to adjust to.

    However, lifestyle changes for diabetes are good for a reason. For starters, these are mostly healthy and generic habit changes that are good for any person, not only for someone who is suffering from high blood sugar. From natural ways to control diabetes to various other healthy lifestyle changes, most of them are directed towards the creation of a balanced lifestyle and the regulation of it thereafter. Lifestyle changes for diabetes are good for overall health. Let’s take a look at a few so that you can start implementing them in your life now.

    Change 1: Stress Management

    One of the most important developments in the 21st century is an acknowledgement of mental health issues. Mental health is an extremely important part of our overall well-being. Stress leads to numerous diseases, which have a physical impact as well. Fortunately, due to a renewed focus and continued efforts towards reducing the stigma around it, mental health is receiving the attention it should always have.

    Studies suggest that your blood sugar levels shoot up when you are stressed. Thus, as a part of lifestyle changes for diabetes, it is extremely important to manage your stress. Mental exercising is as important as physical workouts. Yoga and other forms of meditation, deep breathing exercises, and developing hobbies are a good way to keep your mental health in check.

    Remember, a healthy mind equates a healthy body and a healthy life and thus your mind needs to be in a good shape too. Stress management is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle if you have diabetes or even if you do not have it.

    Change 2: Curb that Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

    It is absolutely common to have smoking and alcohol consumption as a personal choice. However, one cannot deny the fact that essentially, they are unhealthy for the body and not a part of a healthy lifestyle. While small and measured quantities of alcohol are still permissible, smoking in any way does not provide any health benefit. In fact, health deteriorates because of tobacco consumption. Lifestyle changes for diabetes also include cutting down on smoking and alcohol consumption. The reason being, diabetes comes with the possibility of numerous other health issues, such as stroke, kidney issues, nerve damage, heart disease, diabetic foot problems and more–all of which can be aggravated by smoking and drinking. If possible, the best way would be to give up entirely.

    However, if you are a compulsive smoker or a heavy drinker, doing that would entail withdrawal symptoms which too are extremely harmful and may also result in numerous unresolved mental health issues. This can even worsen your health. Thus, the best way would be to seek professional help. Consult your doctor as to how you can quit these vices over a period of time with less to no sudden impact on your health.

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    Change 3: Be Consistent with your Check-ups

    It is extremely important to take your health seriously, especially as a diabetes patient. One of the most important lifestyle changes for diabetes is routine visits to the doctor for various reasons. This doesn’t necessarily indicate that you have a serious condition but is required for the maintenance of your health. It is recommended that you visit your doctor at least thrice a year. However, you can choose your frequency as per the discussion between you and your doctor. Whatever it turns out to be, remember that at the end of it all, diabetes is a medical condition and requires expert intervention and advice from time to time. It is extremely important to include that in your lifestyle and implement that visit regularly and stay disciplined.

    Change 4: Healthy Eating

    This is perhaps one of the most important lifestyle changes for diabetes. If you love to indulge in non-veg food, you may choose lean meat and non-fat dairy products. Also include whole grains, vegetables, and fruits in your diet, and reduce your carb consumption.

    Here are some of the foods that can be a part of your new and healthy lifestyle changes for Type 2 diabetes:

    1) Greens

    Include lots of greens in your diet as they are full of micronutrients. One can experiment beyond the usual. Try spinach, kale, amaranth, chard, and more. You can even try roasted kale chips which are easy to make and high on taste.

    2) Berries

    Berries are known as a superfood for those suffering from diabetes, owing to them being rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre. Include more of them in your diet.

    3) Good fat

     Diabetics can choose good quality fats. Include the good quality fat which can be found in fatty fish like salmon, avocado, and even in olive oil.

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    4) Protein

    Low-fat dairy and lean meat are good choices for diabetes patients. Occasional treats once in a while should be planned as rewards to oneself. The treats should be rare and occasional and not something you binge on every second day.

    5) Whole-grain foods

    Include foods that are high on fibre and full in grain, such as peas, dried beans, amongst others. The best part about these foods is that they have a unique flavour to offer, thus never making your food boring.

    Apart from including the aforementioned in your new eating lifestyle changes for diabetes, you also have to exclude some things. Avoid processed carbohydrates, refined sugars, trans fat, high-fat animal products, artificial sweeteners, and the likes.

    Read More : 7 Indian Superfoods you must Know about!

    Change 5: Include workout and constant movement in your day

    Physical fitness is a good change for diabetes patients. Most of us have a sedentary lifestyle today and it’s even more fatal for a diabetes patient to not move around and be physically active. A sedentary lifestyle, coupled with hours spent travelling to and fro, rarely leaves any time for a workout. However, we can ensure continuous movement ourselves by taking care of a few things. Firstly, if you are not confident about curating a routine for yourself, join a gym or a yoga class. The expert therein will be the best person to guide you through plans that will help you manage your condition and not adversely affect your physical fitness levels.

    While workout will sort your exercise routine, there is another thing that you need to do. Do not sit for prolonged hours. Try to get up from your desk and move around every two hours or so and also stretch in between. It will make sure that your muscles and bones are not sore and stiff by the end of the day and your body will be flexible.

    Lifestyle changes for diabetes may look overwhelming initially but actually they are not. They are just good habits for a healthy mind and body that you ought to implement despite having a condition like diabetes or not.

    Hello Health does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any kind. For more health-related information, you can visit our website and if you have any more specific questions related to your condition, it’s best to check with a professional.



    Medically reviewed by

    डॉ. स्नेहल सिंह

    होम्योपैथी · Wellness Online Clinic Healing Arts

    Written by Nikita · Updated 26/11/2021

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